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A Fountain of Gold - Tangos | Viernes con una Letra

The MGA (Mystery Guest Artist) supplied me with today's letra. Una letra por tangos and a coletilla.


Arribita arribita
hay una fuente de oro
donde lavan las mozuelas
los pañuelos de los mozos

Que no, 
que yo no tengo dinero 
que no que no, 
Cariño es lo que yo quiero

Up there
there is a fountain of gold
where the young girls wash
the young boys' handkerchiefs

I don't have money
No, no
Love, this is what I want 

P.S. He even sent a recording of himself singing it. But I'm not going to share that with you ...

The MGA is coming soon,

... and there will be a show.  More details on that coming soon.

Find out who he is on Wednesday, October 8.

Until then, 10 more facts about the Mystery Guest Artist: 

  1. He can fall asleep anywhere (and it can be REALLY hard to wake him up).

  2. He is in his 30’s.

  3. He loves soup, chocolate milk, and chicken (not together … well, maybe the soup and chicken but the chocolate milk separately, por favor)

  4. He dances everywhere, literally. Grocery store, parking lot, swimming pool …

  5. He does not drink coffee.

  6. He knows what he wants, he goes for it, and he gets it.

  7. He has mucha fuerza.

  8. He has danced with Rocío Molina, Marco Flores, Antonio Canales, Rafaela Carrasco, Olga Pericet, Concha Jareño, and many more.

  9. He is friendly and funny.

  10. He inspires.

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