experience flamenco

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We made it to Jerez

We got to Jerez on a Friday. But I forgot that it was Friday. We went from Paris to Madrid. From Madrid to Sevilla. And from Sevilla to Jerez.

And we were here.

I ran some errands. We had tapas in the bar. Then Maribel gave us all caldo. Yum.

Now it's Saturday. It's almost siesta time, and I can feel it.

Earlier I ran into my bulerías teacher walking down the street. She was getting her groceries. As was everyone else.

And soon we'll all be dancing bulerías...


Que te he querido
yo no lo niego
no niego haberte querido
lo que en el alma me pesa
es el haberte conocido

I love you,
and I don't deny it.
I don't deny having loved you.
What weighs on my soul 
is having ever met you.

More from Jerez soon.