Colombianas | Viernes con una Letra
Last time we were in Jerez I was asking Mercedes for clarification of the words to a tangos letra that we were dancing to. I got so excited when I saw the Guión to her show Perspectivas (which she got out to show me the words) that she loaned it to me to so that I could look at all of the letras. This is a colombianas I found in there:
Yo quisiera no mirarte
para engañar mi deseo.
Pero siento, niña mía,
que no te miro y te veo:
que se cierran los ojos,
pero no los sentimientos.
How I would like not to look at you
to trick my desire.
But I'm sorry, my girl,
I don't look at you, and I see you,
for my eyes close,
but not my feelings.
I'm going back to Spain at the end of October to see Mercedes again. You can come too.