experience flamenco

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No Te He Dao Motivos | Viernes con una letra

Today un tientos entero. I pretty much begged Diana to learn this tientos from La Niña de los Peines (or the first part at least) so that I could dance to it. I told her about how it brought me to tears every time I listened to it. 


That's what she thought. 

I remember singing it with her on the phone in the kitchen. And she got it. And I danced to it. And it felt wonderful.

No Te He Dao Motivos

Porque yo no te he dao motivos
que yo no te he hecho daño
tú te fuiste de mi vera 
de mi verita te fuiste 
te apartaste tú de mi vera 
sin yo haberte dao motivos

Que yo no te he hecho daño
tampoco te he dao motivos
así lleves tú en tu cuerpo
del Cielo un grande castigo

Mi pare y mi mare
porque bien te quiero
dobles tormentos me daban
porque camelan que no te quiera
yo te estoy queriendo más

Si te conviene o no te convenga
si tú no tenías pensamiento a mí de quererme 
¿Por qué tienes tan malita la lengua?

Now listen to these...

See this content in the original post

I Gave You No Reason

I gave you no reason 
I didn't hurt you
you left my side
from my side you left
you separated yourself from me
for no reason

I didn't hurt you
nor did I give you any reason
so you carry in your body
a large punishment from heaven

My father and my mother
because I love you so much
they enhance my torment
trying to convince me not to love you
and I'm love you even more

Whether it's convenient to you or whether it's not
If you'd never planned on loving me
Why would you say such things?

As you know,

Translating well provides a good challenge for me…I’ll always try my best, but if you come up with a different interpretation, feel free to express your thoughts below.